Thursday, April 7, 2011

Caleb Happenings

I have been so busy with life that I have not blogged about all the amazing milestones that Caleb has accomplished!! There are so many stories that go along with these pictures but I know that If I don't make it short and sweet I will keep putting it off.

Caleb ran a really high fever for a week that scared me to death! At the end of the fifth day he broke out into a rash all over his body which is a tall tale sign for roseola (I didn't know this until calling the doctor in a panic!)

I started on Caleb's new big boy toddler room. More pictures to come!!

I can't work in the kitchen anymore without Caleb finding some new adventure to discover.

Caleb's hair has been cut several times but this was his first professional cut :)

We scored big on our last groupon purchase! We went with friends to dinner and a show in Reno. We got a MAJIOR upgrade on our room! It was a blast!!!

We have so much snow!! You can't tell by this picture but caleb loves to play in the snow now :)

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