Saturday, April 17, 2010

First Day Back

Caleb and I had a horrible, no good, very bad week! My first week back to work started out with a bang and never stopped. The day before I went back to work our daycare provider called and said that she was not feeling well and couldn't take care of Caleb that week. Then I came down with the flu and felt horrible. Then Caleb started throwing up and could not stop. We took him to the emergency room that night and they hooked him up to an I.V. because he was extremely dehydrated. It was horrible to see him so lifeless, they poked and prodded him with needles and he didn't even cry he was so out of it. They took blood samples and x-rays. I could barely sleep that night for fear that he would start to get worse. Luckily Christian had already cleared his schedule to stay home with Caleb that day or I don't think I would have been able to leave on my first day back. I was tired and sick and just wanted to be with my baby. After school I rushed back to the hospital to meet up with Christian and Caleb. They ended up putting a tube down his throat so he could swallow ink and they could track his digestive process. Caleb DID NOT like that! Thank goodness everything turned out in working order and they said that he must just have a bad virus. He only ate 2 ounces that day. He is feeling a lot better but still will not eat from the bottle. We are taking this weekend easy in hopes that next week will be a lot less eventful.

On a lighter note Caleb is growing like crazy and I have the picture to prove it! =) He is up to 14 pounds already! He is smiling away at everything, especially Dixie! He says Ba and Ga. He blows tons of bubbles and drools like crazy. He loves to suck on his fist. He hates tummy time but will tolerate it if Dixie lies in front of him and puts her gigantic head at his eye level for a good old fashion staring contest. He is becoming at little too interested in the T.V.! He is starting to laugh... it's more of a chuckle really. This is by far my favorite stage! It's been so so so fun!!

                   What do you think..... does he look like me??!! Caleb LOVES this book. It's called Little Blue Truck. He smiles and does his little chuckle everytime he sees his favorite character.... the big strong green frog! SO CUTE!! =)


The Yager Family said...

You poor thing! Going back to work is the WORST under the BEST of circumstances. At least week one is done...

Tammy G said...

So beautiful. Sorry it was a rough week, praying that this one will be uneventful.

Kelsea J. Kerr said...

I love that story.