Monday, April 26, 2010

After Bath Photo Shoot

This is a photo shoot I had with Caleb after his bath last night. It's a lot of the same pictures but I wanted to show you how his personality is coming out! Here are a few of the things I've noticed.

Caleb's smile melts my heart. I've recently read an article about how a mother can get addicted to her child's smile because of the pleasure waves it sends to her brain. I completely agree with this! Caleb and I can spend a whole hour smiling at each other! I smile.... he smiles back at me... he smiles at me.... I smile back at him.... back and forth. I don't think I've stared at one thing for as long as I watch Caleb's smile before.  It's perfect! This picture catches the end of his smile- I can't seem to catch on camera the magnitude of how his face lights up and the deepening of  the two dimples on the right of his mouth. It takes my breath away!

This picture catches his expression he makes whenever he is listening to anyone talk. He's so interested in any new face and the noises that come out of it =)This picture catches his full chubby cheeks!!This is Caleb in the fist sucking zone. He has started to become fascinated with his hands! He likes to grab them and will concentrate so hard on figuring out how to get them into his mouth.This is his "I'm sleepy, Mama" expression. I know this means pick me up, I'm ready to cuddle and go to bed.  

1 comment:

Chelsea said...

He is just SO adorable! I love what you said about his smile... so so so sweet!